Items Wanted By Collectors
If you are looking for items for your collection, send me a picture or two and I will list the item here. Send a short description of exactly what you are looking for. Include some way for sellers to contact you. An E-mail, Phone Number or both.
Any transactions are entirely up to you. I will provide a Free listing. Please notify me if you find what you are looking for. Then I can remove the listing.
I will post these in alphabetical order so scroll down to see what people are looking for!
Collector Cartridges
E. Remington & Sons, Raised Headstamp Cartridges
I am looking for any information on these early Remington Cartridges. They resemble early Mauser Cartridges with their beveled rim and raised markings. One Remington Salesman had a connection to the Mauser Brothers. I intend to write about this in the future.
I would be interested in any ads or mention of these in any old catalogs. I would also like to buy nice examples of these cartridges in any caliber. The Brass or Cartridges in their original boxes are at the top of my search list.
You can contact me at the E-mail address for this website.
Vintage Shooting or Reloading Boxes
I am always searching for old boxes that held Reloading Tools and Reloading Components.
I am interested in the boxes alone, or boxes with the original contents.
Sometimes these were just an old box to keep everything together at home. Other boxes were used to carry Reloading Equipment to the range, so you could reload as you were shooting.
There were some boxes made and sold through catalogs. This one seems to be homemade. The contents of this box were for reloading the scarce 44-75 Ballard Everlasting Cartridge.
If you have any of these old boxes you would like to sell, please contact me at