Modern Bullet Molds For Sale
It is not always possible or desirable to use the old original bullet molds. These modern molds are nice to have if you enjoy shooting.
Click on the buttons below to find a selection of the molds I have available right now. I usually buy one or two at every show, so keep checking if you do not see what you need. I buy molds that are in fine shape, that will cast good bullets.
Some are common, some are difficult to find and more expensive. Nearly all are out of stock on most web sites.
If you need one of these E-mail me at
General Information on Cartridges and Bullet Casting

If you want to cast bullets, please get the 1958 edition of " The Handbook Of Cast Bullets". All the modern molds by Ideal/Lyman are listed here except the Early and "Special List" Molds. These handbooks are inexpensive. You can buy Originals or Reproductions. They are well worth the money!
You will learn more here about Early Guns and Cartridges, Lead Bullets, Mold Making and Casting here, than in any other book. If you want, you can look up particular mold numbers to see what they are for.
The sections on Firearms History are great. My Dog Eared copy is on the left.
I have never bought or looked at the 4th edition on the right. The cover photo is downright silly. You do not dribble lead into a mold like they show on the cover!
"Running Bullets"
(Bullet Casting)
Yes that sounds funny! Most folks say; "Casting Bullets". Ideal and Lyman sometimes called this "Running Bullets", or making a "Run" or "Batch" of bullets. Old Machinists like Me often mentioned making a "Run" of parts. The guys that were making these Reloading Tools were old time machinists. Don't be surprised when you see "Running Bullets" in these old instruction sheets.
These instructions came with an early 1930's era Lyman Bullet Mold. The sheet was so long it required two pictures and some close-ups to make it clear. It is stained but readable. It is worth reading. Even for "Old Timers".
The point here is simple. You do not just slop some lead into a mold. Casting Good Bullets requires some care. If you over-heat or dent the mold, you can permanently damage it. Read these instructions and take your time! You can get sharp, crisp, accurate Bullets with care. A mold will last for a lifetime, just like all the other Ideal and Lyman tools. You can not bang it up, sand it, buff it or abuse it. Just take care of it!

This is how you actually cast bullets. To get a really sharp, perfect bullet you need a Lyman Bullet Dipper. They are inexpensive and work great. Don't look at the current cover of the Lyman Handbook!
Of course, you would probably want an electric lead pot. They are much better than sitting at a hot stove.
I hold the mold horizontal. Place the dipper against the mold, then turn it upright. Flip the dipper away and it will leave a nice puddle on top. A little practice and you can do it!

Both of these images illustrate the earlier molds. The instructions actually came with a later mold. The Mold Blocks could be removed from the handles. I guess Lyman was using up old printed material.

Making cast bullets can be a lot of fun. I started making round balls for muzzle-loading rifles when I was a kid. Then cast bullets for Colt Percussion Revolvers. Then I cast bullets in original Pope and Schoyen bullet molds, for my Original Schuetzen Rifles. All along, I also made Lead Bullets for Original Sharps and Remington Rolling Block Sporting Rifles. Both Grooved/Lubricated types and Paper Patch Bullets.
I Always used Black Powder and Lead Bullets.
I can proudly say; "I have NEVER loaded a cartridge with Jacketed Bullets or Smokeless Powder!"
I Never Will!